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Data recovery from scratched DVD

During the course of utilizing DVD, users often encounter the problem of scratched DVD. If the scratched DVD can be read by computer, users need to copy the data stored in the DVD to hard disk right now to avoid data loss. However, if the scratched DVD can not be read, DVD data loss is easy to emerge. Under this situation, if users want to complete data recovery from scratched DVD, they have to resort to professional companies. Unfortunately, though professional data recovery companies can recover lost data from DVD, it is unable to recover all data. Consequently, users need to protect DVD well to avoid scratching DVD. At this time, users may raise such a question why data loss still emerges on DVD even without DVD being polluted and scratched. That is because preventing DVD from being contaminated or scratched is one of ways to avoid data loss from the aspect of hardware, and soft faults can also lead to data loss. Fortunately, it is not hard to recover data lost due to software faults, and users just need to download a piece of professional data recovery software from

Utilize professional data recovery software to recover lost data from DVD
The interface on the left is the main interface of data recovery software. After entering the interface, users need to select the function module used to recover data lost due to soft faults from CD/DVD. Next, fully scan the DVD, and then check data needing to be recovered. So when all operations are performed, the whole job to recover data lost due to soft fault is done.

After viewing the above brief introduction to the process of utilizing professional data recovery software to recover data lost due to soft faults. Now, users may have known something about this operation. If they want to recover data lost due to soft faults rather than perform data recovery from scratched DVD, just turn to the professional data recovery software.